Gery .
2014-08-15 12:35:47 UTC

I just upgraded to 4.5.12 version, but now I use Cygwin 32-bit instead of Linux OS. I installed gmt this time however with gdal, and things were smooth, no error messages only some warnings. To configure and install gdal I used:

./configure --disable-shared --with-libtool=no --with-static-proj4=/usr/lib
make AM_LDFLAGS=-no-undefined
make install

then, I installed manually gmt with:
./configure --enable-gdal=/opt/gdal/gdal-1.11.0 --disable-shared
make all
make install-gmt
make install-data
make clean
make spotless
make install-man
make install-doc
make examples

and it worked normally. Points 7-9 did not run, though.

In my .bashrc I have:
# Specific environment variables

export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

# Path for all software's manuals [eg. gmt, mb]


# Gmt 4.5.12

export GMT_HOME=/opt/gmt/gmt-4.5.12

export PATH=$GMT_HOME/bin:$PATH


# Mbsystem-5.3.

#export MBSYSTEM_HOME=/opt/mb/mbsystem-5.3.


# Seismic Unix 43

export CWPROOT=/opt/sux/su43r5

export PATH=$CWPROOT/bin:$PATH

# Gdal-1.11.0

export GDAL_HOME=/opt/gdal/gdal-1.11.0

export PATH=$GDAL_HOME/bin:$PATH


but after writing for instance:

psbasemap (or “psbasemap -”, because man psbasemap says that there is no entry for that), I got:

/opt/gmt/gmt-4.5.12/bin/psbasemap.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libgdal.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I’ve installed gmt many times since 2005, both Cygwin and Linux, probably this shared libraries thing in Cygwin is the problem, but I have configured both software with no shared libraries. What am I doing wrong here?

Any support on this is welcomed, thanks in advance,


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