Sumant Jha
2012-11-13 20:34:21 UTC
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT. The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and could may be help me solve this issue.
I am using the following code to plot it:

grdimage /Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V -C/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Work/GMT/GMT4.5.8/share/cpt/GMT_gebco.cpt -B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps

pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O -K -P >> Antarctica.ps

Any help will be appreciated.

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Marcus Badger
2012-11-15 09:41:55 UTC
Hi Sumant,

How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've
managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using

grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW
-R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps

but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system,
coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole."
(which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to
convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My
version attached.


Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Sumant Jha
2012-11-16 17:20:26 UTC
Hi Markus,

Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?

I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.

You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.

Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Marcus Badger
2012-11-20 13:43:24 UTC
Hi Sumant,

I downloaded the "Grounded ice-sheet bed elevation" in Ascii format from BAS from here:


Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run

grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd

For my grid I get:
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Remark:
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0

So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js


Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Roi Granot
2012-11-20 17:49:16 UTC
There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/

With gdal you can convert it:
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd

and plot:
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps


Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run
grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
2012-11-21 13:46:01 UTC
Hi All

One solution to the problem is below.

First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi mentioned (it's in a different directory).

You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the -C option.

Re grid the degree data and off you go.

Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no -I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid extracted as Roi suggested using psxy -Jx.

Hope this is useful.


# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp

# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1

# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd

# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt

# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps

# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps

# view
gv temp.ps

From: World-Wide GMT Usage and Help Mailing List [mailto:GMT-***@LISTS.HAWAII.EDU] On Behalf Of Roi Granot
Sent: 20 November 2012 17:49
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT

There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/

With gdal you can convert it:
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd

and plot:
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps


Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509

On Nov 20, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Marcus Badger wrote:

Hi Sumant,

I downloaded the "Grounded ice-sheet bed elevation" in Ascii format from BAS from here:


Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run

grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd

For my grid I get:
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Remark:
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0

So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js


Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk<mailto:***@bristol.ac.uk>

On 16/11/2012 17:20, Sumant Jha wrote:

Hi Markus,

Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?

I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.

You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.


On Nov 15, 2012, at 2:41 AM, Marcus Badger <***@BRISTOL.AC.UK<mailto:***@BRISTOL.AC.UK>> wrote:

Hi Sumant,

How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using

grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps

but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.


Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk<mailto:***@bristol.ac.uk>

On 13/11/2012 20:34, Sumant Jha wrote:
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
I am using the following code to plot it:

/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps

pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps

Any help will be appreciated.

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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu<mailto:***@lists.hawaii.edu>

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Sumant Jha
2012-12-27 15:13:47 UTC
Hi All,

I have been trying to estimate the volume of a grid above 0 elevation, and I am getting the results as 1 1 1 1. I am using the following code for it. I do not know-where I am going wrong. The same grid and code used on a friends computer yields proper result. Can someone help me please.

**** grdvolume code*****
grdvolume ABC.grd -Sk -V -C0 -fg > volume_value.txt


***Output of volume_value.txt*****
1 1 1 1

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Paul Wessel
2012-12-27 17:00:26 UTC
Either you are using another grid without realizing it or your GMT installation has been messed up. What version and OS platform? Run grdinfo before the grdvolume step to ensure you are working on the same file. If it works fine on another computer then clearly there is a problem with your setup.

Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi All,
I have been trying to estimate the volume of a grid above 0 elevation, and I am getting the results as 1 1 1 1. I am using the following code for it. I do not know-where I am going wrong. The same grid and code used on a friends computer yields proper result. Can someone help me please.
**** grdvolume code*****
grdvolume ABC.grd -Sk -V -C0 -fg > volume_value.txt
***Output of volume_value.txt*****
1 1 1 1
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Sumant Jha
2012-12-27 17:56:55 UTC
Thank you for the reply.
I too believe that I messed up GMT install somehow. I am using GMT4.5.8 on mac OS X lion. I checked it using grdinfo on both computers - and the outputs are different. I have copied them below:
****my computer grdinfo output****
grdvolume.grd: x_min: 1 x_max: 1 x_inc: 1 name: x nx: 21601
grdvolume.grd: y_min: 1 y_max: 1 y_inc: 1 name: y ny: 661
grdvolume.grd: z_min: 1 z_max: 1 name: z
grdvolume.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 1

*** grdinfo output from another computer****
grdvolume.grd: x_min: -180 x_max: 180 x_inc: 0.0166666666667 name: x nx: 21601
grdvolume.grd: y_min: -80 y_max: -69 y_inc: 0.0166666666667 name: y ny: 661
grdvolume.grd: z_min: -4616.38085938 z_max: 1407.7746582 name: z
grdvolume.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
**** end****
Clearly, something is wrong in my installation. So, I re-installed GMT - used the package installation of GMT 5 this time. Will see if my earlier commands work now and update.

Post by Paul Wessel
Either you are using another grid without realizing it or your GMT installation has been messed up. What version and OS platform? Run grdinfo before the grdvolume step to ensure you are working on the same file. If it works fine on another computer then clearly there is a problem with your setup.
Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi All,
I have been trying to estimate the volume of a grid above 0 elevation, and I am getting the results as 1 1 1 1. I am using the following code for it. I do not know-where I am going wrong. The same grid and code used on a friends computer yields proper result. Can someone help me please.
**** grdvolume code*****
grdvolume ABC.grd -Sk -V -C0 -fg > volume_value.txt
***Output of volume_value.txt*****
1 1 1 1
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Sumant Jha
2013-01-09 19:46:52 UTC
Hi All,

Is there any subroutine in gmt, or if anyone has an example script, to create a 2-D / 3-D plate flexure model?


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Paul Wessel
2013-01-09 19:51:51 UTC
See grdfft and last example in man page.

Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi All,
Is there any subroutine in gmt, or if anyone has an example script, to create a 2-D / 3-D plate flexure model?
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Walter (HF) Smith
2013-01-09 19:52:20 UTC
Look at grdfft.
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi All,
Is there any subroutine in gmt, or if anyone has an example script, to create a 2-D / 3-D plate flexure model?
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Sumant Jha
2013-01-09 20:06:40 UTC
Great, thanks.
That makes it easier.
Post by Walter (HF) Smith
Look at grdfft.
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi All,
Is there any subroutine in gmt, or if anyone has an example script, to create a 2-D / 3-D plate flexure model?
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Sumant Jha
2014-06-24 21:39:40 UTC
Hi All,

Raising this topic again.
For some reason, the following solution does not works with the final release of bedmap2 which is available at https://secure.antarctica.ac.uk/data/bedmap2/
I have the old bm2_draft_bed.txt, and its output comes exactly as what Tom has attached. However, when using bedmap2_bed.txt (which I think, is the later version of bm2_draft_bed.txt), the output comes as attached.

Can anyone help me understand what has changed since the draft version to final version of BEDMAP2? Or is it that I am doing something wrong in my code? I am using same code that Tom has given in his email with minor changes like replacing the bm2_draft_bed.txt by bedmap2_bed.txt, using the bedmap2_bed.txt as input, and changing the -R to -180/180/-90/-60.

The code for bedmap2_bed and its output are attached.


# bedmap_ant.sh
# Created by Sumant Jha on 12/27/12.
# Based on TOM JORDAN’s script, dated Nov 21, 2012 in [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
# Modified on 06/24/2014
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data
# Note: For some reason, this script is only working on bm2_draft_bed.txt

# clean and order xyz data
echo "***********************************************"
echo “ Cleaning and Ordering X Y Z data in desired sequence"
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bedmap2_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > bedmap

# projecting bedmap data to degrees (default bedmap comes in UTM) NOTE -C option
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Projecting BEDMAP2 to Degrees"
mapproject bedmap -I -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F -V> temp1

# Make new 1 min grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating 1 min grid for BEDMAP2"
surface temp1 -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I1m -V -Gbedmap_1min.grd

# make colour pallet
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating color pallett for displaying data"
grd2cpt -Z -V bedmap_1min.grd > bedmap1.cpt


# Draw Antarctica Bedmap grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Drawing Antarctica BEDMAP grid"
grdimage bedmap_1min.grd -Cbedmap1.cpt -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -B30g300/15g15wEsN -K -V -P> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> BEDMAP_ant.ps

# Create contours spaced at 200 intervals (optional)
#grdcontour Bedmap_ant.grd -J -R -W1/80/80/80 -C200 -P -S4 -O -A1000+f3+k80/80/80+s8t -G2i/10 -Djunk -V -K >> BEDMAP_Ross.ps
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "File Generated"

gs BEDMAP_ant.ps
Post by Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
Hi All
One solution to the problem is below.
First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi mentioned (it’s in a different directory).
You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the –C option.
Re grid the degree data and off you go.
Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no –I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid extracted as Roi suggested using psxy –Jx.
Hope this is useful.
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp
# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1
# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd
# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt
# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps
# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps
# view
gv temp.ps
Sent: 20 November 2012 17:49
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps
Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509
Hi Sumant,
Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run
grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to
This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC
is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents
of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless
it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to
NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.
Mailing list for GMT discussions of all kinds. If you are not sure you have found a bug, discuss it here first.
To formally report bugs or request features, please register and add New Issue on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Note: gmt-help will become obsolete on Sept 1, 2014 - please use forum on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu instead.
Paul Wessel
2014-06-25 08:24:36 UTC
I am surprised this ever worked.
Using surface to grid geographic data over a pole is a horrid idea since surface is best for Cartesian data or latitude-banded data.
If you absolutely need to convert this polar stereographic grid to degrees then I would do something like this:
1. Create a blank grid with desired resolution for -R-180/180/-90/-60
2. Dump via grd2xyz and project coordinates with the -Js projection
3. Sample the stereotraphic bedmap grid at the projected coordinates
4. paste the result with the grd2xyz output and send via xyz2grd to make the desired grid

Or something similar.
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi All,
Raising this topic again.
For some reason, the following solution does not works with the final release of bedmap2 which is available at https://secure.antarctica.ac.uk/data/bedmap2/
I have the old bm2_draft_bed.txt, and its output comes exactly as what Tom has attached. However, when using bedmap2_bed.txt (which I think, is the later version of bm2_draft_bed.txt), the output comes as attached.
Can anyone help me understand what has changed since the draft version to final version of BEDMAP2? Or is it that I am doing something wrong in my code? I am using same code that Tom has given in his email with minor changes like replacing the bm2_draft_bed.txt by bedmap2_bed.txt, using the bedmap2_bed.txt as input, and changing the -R to -180/180/-90/-60.
The code for bedmap2_bed and its output are attached.
# bedmap_ant.sh
# Created by Sumant Jha on 12/27/12.
# Based on TOM JORDAN’s script, dated Nov 21, 2012 in [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
# Modified on 06/24/2014
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data
# Note: For some reason, this script is only working on bm2_draft_bed.txt
# clean and order xyz data
echo "***********************************************"
echo “ Cleaning and Ordering X Y Z data in desired sequence"
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bedmap2_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > bedmap
# projecting bedmap data to degrees (default bedmap comes in UTM) NOTE -C option
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Projecting BEDMAP2 to Degrees"
mapproject bedmap -I -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F -V> temp1
# Make new 1 min grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating 1 min grid for BEDMAP2"
surface temp1 -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I1m -V -Gbedmap_1min.grd
# make colour pallet
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating color pallett for displaying data"
grd2cpt -Z -V bedmap_1min.grd > bedmap1.cpt
# Draw Antarctica Bedmap grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Drawing Antarctica BEDMAP grid"
grdimage bedmap_1min.grd -Cbedmap1.cpt -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -B30g300/15g15wEsN -K -V -P> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Create contours spaced at 200 intervals (optional)
#grdcontour Bedmap_ant.grd -J -R -W1/80/80/80 -C200 -P -S4 -O -A1000+f3+k80/80/80+s8t -G2i/10 -Djunk -V -K >> BEDMAP_Ross.ps
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "File Generated"
gs BEDMAP_ant.ps
Post by Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
Hi All
One solution to the problem is below.
First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi mentioned (it’s in a different directory).
You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the –C option.
Re grid the degree data and off you go.
Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no –I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid extracted as Roi suggested using psxy –Jx.
Hope this is useful.
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp
# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1
# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd
# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt
# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps
# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps
# view
gv temp.ps
Sent: 20 November 2012 17:49
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps
Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509
Hi Sumant,
Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run
grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to
This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC
is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents
of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless
it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to
NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.
Mailing list for GMT discussions of all kinds. If you are not sure you have found a bug, discuss it here first.
To formally report bugs or request features, please register and add New Issue on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Note: gmt-help will become obsolete on Sept 1, 2014 - please use forum on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu instead.
Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
2014-06-25 14:17:28 UTC

The original script works with bm2_draft_bed.txt as it is an ascii file with x, y, and z values.

However, bedmap2_bed.txt is an ascii grid file.

Try the following to convert the ascii grid file to a GMT format grid:
xyz2grd bedmap2_bed.txt -H6 -F -ZTLA -N-9999 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 -I1000 -GBEDMAP2_GMT.grd

This should make you a GMT grid. You can then use grd2xyz to dump out an x, y and z ascii file just like bm2_draft_bed.txt, and run it through the original script, or follow Pauls suggestion below to avoid gridding over the pole.


From: Paul Wessel [mailto:***@HAWAII.EDU]
Sent: 25 June 2014 09:25
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT

I am surprised this ever worked.
Using surface to grid geographic data over a pole is a horrid idea since surface is best for Cartesian data or latitude-banded data.
If you absolutely need to convert this polar stereographic grid to degrees then I would do something like this:
1. Create a blank grid with desired resolution for -R-180/180/-90/-60
2. Dump via grd2xyz and project coordinates with the -Js projection
3. Sample the stereotraphic bedmap grid at the projected coordinates
4. paste the result with the grd2xyz output and send via xyz2grd to make the desired grid

Or something similar.

On Jun 24, 2014, at 11:39 AM, Sumant Jha <***@GMAIL.COM<mailto:***@GMAIL.COM>> wrote:

Hi All,

Raising this topic again.
For some reason, the following solution does not works with the final release of bedmap2 which is available at https://secure.antarctica.ac.uk/data/bedmap2/
I have the old bm2_draft_bed.txt, and its output comes exactly as what Tom has attached. However, when using bedmap2_bed.txt (which I think, is the later version of bm2_draft_bed.txt), the output comes as attached.

Can anyone help me understand what has changed since the draft version to final version of BEDMAP2? Or is it that I am doing something wrong in my code? I am using same code that Tom has given in his email with minor changes like replacing the bm2_draft_bed.txt by bedmap2_bed.txt, using the bedmap2_bed.txt as input, and changing the -R to -180/180/-90/-60.

The code for bedmap2_bed and its output are attached.


# bedmap_ant.sh
# Created by Sumant Jha on 12/27/12.
# Based on TOM JORDAN's script, dated Nov 21, 2012 in [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
# Modified on 06/24/2014
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data
# Note: For some reason, this script is only working on bm2_draft_bed.txt

# clean and order xyz data
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Cleaning and Ordering X Y Z data in desired sequence"
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bedmap2_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > bedmap

# projecting bedmap data to degrees (default bedmap comes in UTM) NOTE -C option
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Projecting BEDMAP2 to Degrees"
mapproject bedmap -I -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F -V> temp1

# Make new 1 min grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating 1 min grid for BEDMAP2"
surface temp1 -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I1m -V -Gbedmap_1min.grd

# make colour pallet
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating color pallett for displaying data"
grd2cpt -Z -V bedmap_1min.grd > bedmap1.cpt


# Draw Antarctica Bedmap grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Drawing Antarctica BEDMAP grid"
grdimage bedmap_1min.grd -Cbedmap1.cpt -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -B30g300/15g15wEsN -K -V -P> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> BEDMAP_ant.ps

# Create contours spaced at 200 intervals (optional)
#grdcontour Bedmap_ant.grd -J -R -W1/80/80/80 -C200 -P -S4 -O -A1000+f3+k80/80/80+s8t -G2i/10 -Djunk -V -K >> BEDMAP_Ross.ps
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "File Generated"

gs BEDMAP_ant.ps


On Nov 21, 2012, at 6:46 AM, Jordan, Tom A.R.M. <***@bas.ac.uk<mailto:***@bas.ac.uk>> wrote:

Hi All

One solution to the problem is below.

First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi mentioned (it's in a different directory).

You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the -C option.

Re grid the degree data and off you go.

Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no -I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid extracted as Roi suggested using psxy -Jx.

Hope this is useful.


# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp

# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1

# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd

# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt

# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps

# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps

# view
gv temp.ps

From: World-Wide GMT Usage and Help Mailing List [mailto:GMT-***@LISTS.HAWAII.EDU] On Behalf Of Roi Granot
Sent: 20 November 2012 17:49
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT

There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/

With gdal you can convert it:
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd

and plot:
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps


Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509

On Nov 20, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Marcus Badger wrote:

Hi Sumant,

I downloaded the "Grounded ice-sheet bed elevation" in Ascii format from BAS from here:


Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run

grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd

For my grid I get:
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Remark:
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0

So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js


Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk<mailto:***@bristol.ac.uk>

On 16/11/2012 17:20, Sumant Jha wrote:

Hi Markus,

Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?

I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.

You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.


On Nov 15, 2012, at 2:41 AM, Marcus Badger <***@BRISTOL.AC.UK<mailto:***@BRISTOL.AC.UK>> wrote:

Hi Sumant,

How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using

grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps

but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.


Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk<mailto:***@bristol.ac.uk>

On 13/11/2012 20:34, Sumant Jha wrote:
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
I am using the following code to plot it:

/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps

pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps

Any help will be appreciated.

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Mailing list for GMT discussions of all kinds. If you are not sure you have found a bug, discuss it here first. To formally report bugs or request features, please register and add New Issue on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu<mailto:***@lists.hawaii.edu> Note: gmt-help will become obsolete on Sept 1, 2014 - please use forum on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu instead.

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Sumant Jha
2014-06-25 15:02:13 UTC
Thank you Paul and Tom.

Tom: Thanks for clearing up my confusion about the two versions of BEDMAP2 data.
I tried your xyz2grd command, but it gives me error: xyz2grd: Cannot open file –N-9999
Any idea what might be causing it?

Paul: I am also trying your suggestions, and will report back on how it went.

Post by Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
The original script works with bm2_draft_bed.txt as it is an ascii file with x, y, and z values.
However, bedmap2_bed.txt is an ascii grid file.
xyz2grd bedmap2_bed.txt -H6 -F -ZTLA –N-9999 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 -I1000 -GBEDMAP2_GMT.grd
This should make you a GMT grid. You can then use grd2xyz to dump out an x, y and z ascii file just like bm2_draft_bed.txt, and run it through the original script, or follow Pauls suggestion below to avoid gridding over the pole.
Sent: 25 June 2014 09:25
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
I am surprised this ever worked.
Using surface to grid geographic data over a pole is a horrid idea since surface is best for Cartesian data or latitude-banded data.
1. Create a blank grid with desired resolution for -R-180/180/-90/-60
2. Dump via grd2xyz and project coordinates with the -Js projection
3. Sample the stereotraphic bedmap grid at the projected coordinates
4. paste the result with the grd2xyz output and send via xyz2grd to make the desired grid
Or something similar.
Hi All,
Raising this topic again.
For some reason, the following solution does not works with the final release of bedmap2 which is available at https://secure.antarctica.ac.uk/data/bedmap2/
I have the old bm2_draft_bed.txt, and its output comes exactly as what Tom has attached. However, when using bedmap2_bed.txt (which I think, is the later version of bm2_draft_bed.txt), the output comes as attached.
Can anyone help me understand what has changed since the draft version to final version of BEDMAP2? Or is it that I am doing something wrong in my code? I am using same code that Tom has given in his email with minor changes like replacing the bm2_draft_bed.txt by bedmap2_bed.txt, using the bedmap2_bed.txt as input, and changing the -R to -180/180/-90/-60.
The code for bedmap2_bed and its output are attached.
# bedmap_ant.sh
# Created by Sumant Jha on 12/27/12.
# Based on TOM JORDAN’s script, dated Nov 21, 2012 in [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
# Modified on 06/24/2014
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data
# Note: For some reason, this script is only working on bm2_draft_bed.txt
# clean and order xyz data
echo "***********************************************"
echo “ Cleaning and Ordering X Y Z data in desired sequence"
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bedmap2_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > bedmap
# projecting bedmap data to degrees (default bedmap comes in UTM) NOTE -C option
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Projecting BEDMAP2 to Degrees"
mapproject bedmap -I -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F -V> temp1
# Make new 1 min grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating 1 min grid for BEDMAP2"
surface temp1 -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I1m -V -Gbedmap_1min.grd
# make colour pallet
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating color pallett for displaying data"
grd2cpt -Z -V bedmap_1min.grd > bedmap1.cpt
# Draw Antarctica Bedmap grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Drawing Antarctica BEDMAP grid"
grdimage bedmap_1min.grd -Cbedmap1.cpt -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -B30g300/15g15wEsN -K -V -P> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Create contours spaced at 200 intervals (optional)
#grdcontour Bedmap_ant.grd -J -R -W1/80/80/80 -C200 -P -S4 -O -A1000+f3+k80/80/80+s8t -G2i/10 -Djunk -V -K >> BEDMAP_Ross.ps
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "File Generated"
gs BEDMAP_ant.ps
Hi All
One solution to the problem is below.
First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi mentioned (it’s in a different directory).
You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the –C option.
Re grid the degree data and off you go.
Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no –I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid extracted as Roi suggested using psxy –Jx.
Hope this is useful.
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp
# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1
# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd
# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt
# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps
# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps
# view
gv temp.ps
Sent: 20 November 2012 17:49
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps
Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509
Hi Sumant,
Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run
grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents
of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless
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This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.
Mailing list for GMT discussions of all kinds. If you are not sure you have found a bug, discuss it here first.
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Note: gmt-help will become obsolete on Sept 1, 2014 - please use forum on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu instead.
Peter Schmidt
2014-06-25 15:31:15 UTC
Hi Sumant

Sorry for cutting in but is it possible that you copied and pasted the
command from the email, please note the length of the sign preceeding
the N, this looks pretty much like a dash – rather than a minus sign -.
If so, try typing in the command rather than copy-and-paste

Post by Sumant Jha
Thank you Paul and Tom.
Tom: Thanks for clearing up my confusion about the two versions of BEDMAP2 data.
I tried your xyz2grd command, but it gives me error: xyz2grd: Cannot open file –N-9999
Any idea what might be causing it?
Paul: I am also trying your suggestions, and will report back on how it went.
Post by Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
The original script works with bm2_draft_bed.txt as it is an ascii
file with x, y, and z values.
However, bedmap2_bed.txt is an ascii grid file.
xyz2grd bedmap2_bed.txt -H6 -F -ZTLA –N-9999
-R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 -I1000 -GBEDMAP2_GMT.grd
This should make you a GMT grid. You can then use grd2xyz to dump
out an x, y and z ascii file just like bm2_draft_bed.txt, and run it
through the original script, or follow Pauls suggestion below to
avoid gridding over the pole.
*Sent:* 25 June 2014 09:25
*Subject:* Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
I am surprised this ever worked.
Using surface to grid geographic data over a pole is a horrid idea
since surface is best for Cartesian data or latitude-banded data.
If you absolutely need to convert this polar stereographic grid to
1. Create a blank grid with desired resolution for -R-180/180/-90/-60
2. Dump via grd2xyz and project coordinates with the -Js projection
3. Sample the stereotraphic bedmap grid at the projected coordinates
4. paste the result with the grd2xyz output and send via xyz2grd to make the desired grid
Or something similar.
Hi All,
Raising this topic again.
For some reason, the following solution does not works with the final
release of bedmap2 which is available at
I have the old bm2_draft_bed.txt, and its output comes exactly as
what Tom has attached. However, when using bedmap2_bed.txt (which I
think, is the later version of bm2_draft_bed.txt), the output comes
as attached.
Can anyone help me understand what has changed since the draft
version to final version of BEDMAP2? Or is it that I am doing
something wrong in my code? I am using same code that Tom has given
in his email with minor changes like replacing the bm2_draft_bed.txt
by bedmap2_bed.txt, using the bedmap2_bed.txt as input, and changing
the -R to -180/180/-90/-60.
The code for bedmap2_bed and its output are attached.
# bedmap_ant.sh
# Created by Sumant Jha on 12/27/12.
# Based on TOM JORDAN’s script, dated Nov 21, 2012 in [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
# Modified on 06/24/2014
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data
# Note: For some reason, this script is only working on bm2_draft_bed.txt
# clean and order xyz data
echo "***********************************************"
echo “ Cleaning and Ordering X Y Z data in desired sequence"
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bedmap2_bed.txt | awk ' {
print $2, $3, $1 } ' > bedmap
# projecting bedmap data to degrees (default bedmap comes in UTM) NOTE -C option
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Projecting BEDMAP2 to Degrees"
mapproject bedmap -I -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F -V> temp1
# Make new 1 min grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating 1 min grid for BEDMAP2"
surface temp1 -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I1m -V -Gbedmap_1min.grd
# make colour pallet
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating color pallett for displaying data"
grd2cpt -Z -V bedmap_1min.grd > bedmap1.cpt
# Draw Antarctica Bedmap grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Drawing Antarctica BEDMAP grid"
grdimage bedmap_1min.grd -Cbedmap1.cpt -R-180/180/-90/-60
-Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -B30g300/15g15wEsN -K -V -P> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Create contours spaced at 200 intervals (optional)
#grdcontour Bedmap_ant.grd -J -R -W1/80/80/80 -C200 -P -S4 -O
-A1000+f3+k80/80/80+s8t -G2i/10 -Djunk -V -K >> BEDMAP_Ross.ps
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "File Generated"
gs BEDMAP_ant.ps
Hi All
One solution to the problem is below.
First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi
mentioned (it’s in a different directory).
You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the –C option.
Re grid the degree data and off you go.
Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no –I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid
extracted as Roi suggested using psxy –Jx.
Hope this is useful.
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' {
print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp
# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1
# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd
# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt
# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60
-Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps
# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps
# view
gv temp.ps
*From:*World-Wide GMT Usage and Help Mailing List
*Sent:*20 November 2012 17:49
*Subject:*Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
There is a new Bedmap compilation
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000
-R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V >
Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509
Hi Sumant,
http://www.antarctica.ac.uk//bas_research/data/access/bedmap/download/ <http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/bas_research/data/access/bedmap/download/>
Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid
then it might be fine. What do you get when you run
grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float)
(COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative
to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max.
As this is already projected data you should then just need to
overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the
appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs
give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the
latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm
not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need
to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you
getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not
sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP
values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve,
and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
On Nov 15, 2012, at 2:41 AM, Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out
right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd
and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW
-R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K
Post by Sumant Jha
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In
this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the
origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems
start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something
you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before -
but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the
BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried
using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not
come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and
BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P >
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243
-G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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Peter Schmidt Tel: +46-18-4717104
Swedish National Seismological Network (SNSN) Mobile: +46-73-3190975
Dept. of Earth Sciences:geophysics e-mail: ***@geo.uu.se
Uppsala University
Villavagen 16
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Mailing list for GMT discussions of all kinds. If you are not sure you have found a bug, discuss it here first.
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Sumant Jha
2014-06-25 15:39:24 UTC
Ha - right on Peter. That was the reason. Thank you so much!!
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant
Sorry for cutting in but is it possible that you copied and pasted the command from the email, please note the length of the sign preceeding the N, this looks pretty much like a dash – rather than a minus sign -. If so, try typing in the command rather than copy-and-paste
Post by Sumant Jha
Thank you Paul and Tom.
Tom: Thanks for clearing up my confusion about the two versions of BEDMAP2 data.
I tried your xyz2grd command, but it gives me error: xyz2grd: Cannot open file –N-9999
Any idea what might be causing it?
Paul: I am also trying your suggestions, and will report back on how it went.
Post by Jordan, Tom A.R.M.
The original script works with bm2_draft_bed.txt as it is an ascii file with x, y, and z values.
However, bedmap2_bed.txt is an ascii grid file.
xyz2grd bedmap2_bed.txt -H6 -F -ZTLA –N-9999 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 -I1000 -GBEDMAP2_GMT.grd
This should make you a GMT grid. You can then use grd2xyz to dump out an x, y and z ascii file just like bm2_draft_bed.txt, and run it through the original script, or follow Pauls suggestion below to avoid gridding over the pole.
Sent: 25 June 2014 09:25
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
I am surprised this ever worked.
Using surface to grid geographic data over a pole is a horrid idea since surface is best for Cartesian data or latitude-banded data.
1. Create a blank grid with desired resolution for -R-180/180/-90/-60
2. Dump via grd2xyz and project coordinates with the -Js projection
3. Sample the stereotraphic bedmap grid at the projected coordinates
4. paste the result with the grd2xyz output and send via xyz2grd to make the desired grid
Or something similar.
Hi All,
Raising this topic again.
For some reason, the following solution does not works with the final release of bedmap2 which is available at https://secure.antarctica.ac.uk/data/bedmap2/
I have the old bm2_draft_bed.txt, and its output comes exactly as what Tom has attached. However, when using bedmap2_bed.txt (which I think, is the later version of bm2_draft_bed.txt), the output comes as attached.
Can anyone help me understand what has changed since the draft version to final version of BEDMAP2? Or is it that I am doing something wrong in my code? I am using same code that Tom has given in his email with minor changes like replacing the bm2_draft_bed.txt by bedmap2_bed.txt, using the bedmap2_bed.txt as input, and changing the -R to -180/180/-90/-60.
The code for bedmap2_bed and its output are attached.
# bedmap_ant.sh
# Created by Sumant Jha on 12/27/12.
# Based on TOM JORDAN’s script, dated Nov 21, 2012 in [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
# Modified on 06/24/2014
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data
# Note: For some reason, this script is only working on bm2_draft_bed.txt
# clean and order xyz data
echo "***********************************************"
echo “ Cleaning and Ordering X Y Z data in desired sequence"
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bedmap2_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > bedmap
# projecting bedmap data to degrees (default bedmap comes in UTM) NOTE -C option
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Projecting BEDMAP2 to Degrees"
mapproject bedmap -I -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F -V> temp1
# Make new 1 min grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating 1 min grid for BEDMAP2"
surface temp1 -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I1m -V -Gbedmap_1min.grd
# make colour pallet
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo " Creating color pallett for displaying data"
grd2cpt -Z -V bedmap_1min.grd > bedmap1.cpt
# Draw Antarctica Bedmap grid
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Drawing Antarctica BEDMAP grid"
grdimage bedmap_1min.grd -Cbedmap1.cpt -R-180/180/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -B30g300/15g15wEsN -K -V -P> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> BEDMAP_ant.ps
# Create contours spaced at 200 intervals (optional)
#grdcontour Bedmap_ant.grd -J -R -W1/80/80/80 -C200 -P -S4 -O -A1000+f3+k80/80/80+s8t -G2i/10 -Djunk -V -K >> BEDMAP_Ross.ps
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***********************************************"
echo "File Generated"
gs BEDMAP_ant.ps
Hi All
One solution to the problem is below.
First get the XYZ data for BEDMAP2 from the same ftp site Roi mentioned (it’s in a different directory).
You can then re-project the data to degrees with mapproject, the trick is the –C option.
Re grid the degree data and off you go.
Alternatively you could dump the coast line from pscoast (-m option).
Project the coast line to stereographic meters, same map project but no –I.
Then simply plot the projected coast on top of the bedmap grid extracted as Roi suggested using psxy –Jx.
Hope this is useful.
# script to get degree grid of BEDMAP2 data, its slow but works
# clean and order xyz data
awk ' NR>1 { print $1*1, $2*1, $3*1 } ' bm2_draft_bed.txt | awk ' { print $2, $3, $1 } ' > temp
# project data to degrees NOTE -C option
mapproject temp -I -R0/360/-90/0 -Js0/-90/-71/1:1 -C -F > temp1
# Make new 5 min grid
surface temp1 -R0/360/-90/-60 -I5m -Gbedmap_5min.grd
# make colour pallet
grd2cpt -Z bedmap_5min.grd > temp.cpt
# draw grid
grdimage bedmap_5min.grd -Ctemp.cpt -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/-71/1:50000000 -K > temp.ps
# draw coast
pscoast -W1 -R -Js -O >> temp.ps
# view
gv temp.ps
Sent: 20 November 2012 17:49
Subject: Re: [GMT-HELP] BEDMAP with GMT
There is a new Bedmap compilation (Bedmap2, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4305-2012) which you can download here: ftp://ftp.nerc-bas.ac.uk/ptf/bm2_ftp/readme%20and%20data%20files/
dal_translate -of GMT bm2_draft_bed.tif bedmap2.grd
grdimage -Jx-.000001/-.000001 -Ibedmap2.grd.int -B5000000 -R-3333500/3333500/-3333500/3333500 bedmap2.grd -Cbed.cpt -V > bedmap2.ps
Dr. Roi Granot
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
P.O.Box 653 Israel 84105
Tel: 972-8-6477-509
Hi Sumant,
Then used xyz2grd to convert to grid. If you already have the grid then it might be fine. What do you get when you run
grdinfo BEDMAP_groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Title: groundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Command: xyz2grd groundbed.asc -E -Ggroundbed.grd
groundbed.grd: Pixel node registration used
groundbed.grd: Grid file format: nf (# 18) GMT netCDF format (float) (COARDS-compliant) [DEFAULT]
groundbed.grd: x_min: -2661600 x_max: 2678400 x_inc: 5000 name: x nx: 1068
groundbed.grd: y_min: -2149967 y_max: 2195033 y_inc: 5000 name: y ny: 869
groundbed.grd: z_min: -2495.36010742 z_max: 4364.85400391 name: z
groundbed.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
So you can see that the x and y are not in latlon but metres relative to the south pole so in my script I just set -R to the min and max. As this is already projected data you should then just need to overlay the appropriate latlon grid using psbasemap -Js with the appropriate parameter to match the projection of the grid. The docs give "we used the Polar Stereographic projection with 71°S as the latitude of true scale and 0°E as the central meridian" although I'm not sure what parameters you therefore need for -Js
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents
of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless
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Peter Schmidt Tel: +46-18-4717104
Swedish National Seismological Network (SNSN) Mobile: +46-73-3190975
Uppsala University
Villavagen 16
SE-75236 Uppsala
Mailing list for GMT discussions of all kinds. If you are not sure you have found a bug, discuss it here first.
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Note: gmt-help will become obsolete on Sept 1, 2014 - please use forum on gmt.soest.hawaii.edu instead.
Marcus Badger
2012-11-20 16:49:16 UTC
So I hoped the following would work:

grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX10c -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/3.17/-71 -W -Dh -Bg10 -S30/144/255 -V -K -O >>Antarctica.ps

But it gives the attached, which is clearly wrong. I'm all out of ideas..


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Paul Wessel
2012-11-20 16:59:57 UTC
Since your grid is in S polar stereographic meters you MUST use the same scale for both the linear plot and the map projection overlay. You also must match the coordintates.

So grdimage should have -Jx${scale}
and pscoast should have -Js0/-90/${scale}

where scale is whatever you need it to be (e.g., 1:2500000 or whatever).
Whatever -R you give in meters on grdimage you need a matching -R<lonlowleft/latlowleft/lonupperright/latupperright>r in DEGREES. If you dont know what those are you can run mapproject -I -Js0/-90/${scale} -R<in meters> and pass in the min/max x/y coordinates which will output the corresponding geographic coordinates. Then use those in the -R for pscoast.

Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Marcus Badger
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX10c -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/3.17/-71 -W -Dh -Bg10 -S30/144/255 -V -K -O >>Antarctica.ps
But it gives the attached, which is clearly wrong. I'm all out of ideas..
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Marcus Badger
2012-11-20 17:22:56 UTC
mapproject -I -Js0/-90/1:40000000 -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033


mapproject: Map region exceeds 360 degrees

Dr Marcus Badger

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road

Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Email: ***@bristol.ac.uk
Post by Paul Wessel
Since your grid is in S polar stereographic meters you MUST use the same scale for both the linear plot and the map projection overlay. You also must match the coordintates.
So grdimage should have -Jx${scale}
and pscoast should have -Js0/-90/${scale}
where scale is whatever you need it to be (e.g., 1:2500000 or whatever).
Whatever -R you give in meters on grdimage you need a matching -R<lonlowleft/latlowleft/lonupperright/latupperright>r in DEGREES. If you dont know what those are you can run mapproject -I -Js0/-90/${scale} -R<in meters> and pass in the min/max x/y coordinates which will output the corresponding geographic coordinates. Then use those in the -R for pscoast.
Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Marcus Badger
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX10c -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/3.17/-71 -W -Dh -Bg10 -S30/144/255 -V -K -O >>Antarctica.ps
But it gives the attached, which is clearly wrong. I'm all out of ideas..
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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To unsubscribe, send the message "signoff gmt-help" to ***@lists.hawaii.edu
Paul Wessel
2012-11-20 17:24:39 UTC
Sorry, just pass mapproject -R0/360/-90/0. It does not really matter what -R is here except it must be degrees...

Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Marcus Badger
mapproject -I -Js0/-90/1:40000000 -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033
mapproject: Map region exceeds 360 degrees
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Paul Wessel
Since your grid is in S polar stereographic meters you MUST use the same scale for both the linear plot and the map projection overlay. You also must match the coordintates.
So grdimage should have -Jx${scale}
and pscoast should have -Js0/-90/${scale}
where scale is whatever you need it to be (e.g., 1:2500000 or whatever).
Whatever -R you give in meters on grdimage you need a matching -R<lonlowleft/latlowleft/lonupperright/latupperright>r in DEGREES. If you dont know what those are you can run mapproject -I -Js0/-90/${scale} -R<in meters> and pass in the min/max x/y coordinates which will output the corresponding geographic coordinates. Then use those in the -R for pscoast.
Visiting Prof. Paul Wessel
Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Scholar
Post by Marcus Badger
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX10c -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R0/360/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/3.17/-71 -W -Dh -Bg10 -S30/144/255 -V -K -O >>Antarctica.ps
But it gives the attached, which is clearly wrong. I'm all out of ideas..
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Hi Markus,
Pardon my ignorance on this, as I am very new to GMT. Do we need to convert the BEDMAP grid to some other format? Where are you getting the xyz data for the same?
I was using the BEDMAP grid that came with Geoware.
You are right about the -R values. I noticed the same but was not sure, how to go about converting my -R values to that of BEDMAP values. Your version is something what I am trying to achieve, and then overlay the lat/longs. Not sure how to do that.
Post by Marcus Badger
Hi Sumant,
How far have you got? ie in what way is it not coming out right? I've managed to make this into a grid using xyz2grd and plot it using
grdimage groundbed.grd -V -Cpalette.cpt -B2000000NseW -R-2661600/2678400/-2149967/2195033 -JX5i -Yc -Xc -P -K >Antarctica.ps
but the grid is not in lat-lon but from the docs page "In this system, coordinates are expressed in metres with the origin at the South Pole." (which might be where you problems start) and so I am unsure how to convert this to something you can overlay coastline and gridlines. My version attached.
Dr Marcus Badger
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Office: G40
Tel: +44 (0) 117 95 45491 or +44 (0) 117 33 16795
Mobile: +44 (0) 774 07 96811
Post by Sumant Jha
Guys - I fear this question has been asked a lot before - but, i cannot
seem to find an answer to it. I am trying to use the BEDMAP data in GMT.
The problem it seems to me is the projection. I tried using Jx and then
Js to overlay the lat-longs - but, somehow, it did not come out right. I
am hoping if someone out here have worked with GMT and BEDMAP data - and
could may be help me solve this issue.
/Users/sumantjha/Documents/Geoware/DATA/misc/BEDMAP_groundbed.grd -V
-B20NseW -R155/180/-80/-75 -Jx10i -X1.2i -Y6i -K -V -P > Antarctica.ps
pscoast -R -Js0/-90/50i/1 -W -Df -Ir/.5/114/187/243 -G30/144/255 -V -O
-K -P >> Antarctica.ps
Any help will be appreciated.
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